Haihatus connects artists and Art in the Middle of Finland – lake district – in Joutsa: Art installations are housed in different buildings, on thombs and in the midst of meadows. Risto Puurunen, director and owner of the Art Center Haihatus is the heart of a vibrant Art community that organizes events and exhibitions. Risto works closely with Tuomo Vuoteenoma, the curator of Haihatus 2021. End of June we met them both before the exhibition start of Haihatus and where immediately part of Haihatus energy of an openminded approach to Arts and way of living. The exhibitions are entangled with the natural environment: They “talk” to each other – the buildings are open and adapted for the installations. Haihatus is like a flexible Arts organism with different qualities of space: The main house and headquarter of the exhibition buildings offers ateliers for temporary stays too. Furthermore you find temporarily installed buildings like a wooden tiny house on stakes that overlooks the territory of outdoor Art works – most of them are works out of metal: Some of them convince you by their immersive expressions others are compositions of outrages complexity. Inside the tiny wooden house you can find a camera obscura that seduces you to voyeurism of visitors watching the art works
We, Joachim – photographer and Cornelia – researcher in Art Education, were overwhelmed by the variety of Art installations concerning materiality, experience of vision (video) and sound as well over all the social and natural forms of communications of this place. We were positively infected by the open mindedness and passion for different kinds of Art expression – infectious Arts culture! In times of hypostatized presence of corona virus this place provokes a pleasant infection.
Pictures: Joachim Hirschfeld (Photojournalist)
Text: Cornelia Dinsleder (Journalist researcher in Art Education)